Rector of the University “John Naisbitt”, professor Slobodan Pajovic PhD, accompanied by his colleagues Assistant professor Katarina Zakic, PhD and Assistant professor Natasa Kostic, PhD, attended the conference “Danube River and New Silk Road”, organized by the Institute of International Politics and Economics. The conference was also attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, advisors to the President of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (the Institute of European Studies), as well as eminent experts from Russia, Poland, the Republic of Srpska and Serbia.
The conference was opened and the present guests were greeted by the Director of the Institute professor Branislav Dordevic, PhD. This conference presented 26 papers dealing with the New Silk Road as well as with the possibilities of greater involvement of the Danube river in this project, considering that it is the second longest river in Europe, and that it is running across Serbia in its significant portion.
Moreover, the students of the Chinese Center Janko Belic, Vladislav Pesic, Iva Jovanovic, Jelena Protic and Andela Jacimovic were present at the conference. The colleagues Belic, Jovanovic and Jacimovic will continue their studies in China this year.
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