HSK TEST – 02.12.2017.
HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) is an international standardized Chinese language test to measure the ability of non-native Chinese speakers to communicate in Chinese in Chinese daily live, academic and working settings. HSK is comprised of six levels i.e. from HSK level 1 to HSK level 6.
All Chinese learners are welcome to attend HSK at Chinese Center of Megatrend University, organized by Confucius Institute at the University of Novi Sad, which will be held on December 2nd. The deadline for online registration is November 3rd. You can go on the Chinese testing service website (www.chinesetest.cn) to finish registration yourself.
The test fees are as follows:
HSK 1 – 10 EUR
HSK 2 -15 EUR
HSK 3 – 20 EUR
HSK 4 – 25 EUR
HSK 5 – 30 EUR
HSK 6 – 60 EUR
For each level, test takers are required to pay 80% of the fee to Confucius Institute, referring to the information below, and 20% of the fee to Chinese Center to Professor Katarina Zakic on December 2nd (Saturday). Note: for those levels of HSK (level 3 to 6), for which we don’t have at least 5 students that want to take the test, those students will have test in Confucius Institute in Novi Sad.
Ban account:
Bank account: 840-1712666-26
No. model: 97
Account number: 558004713
Purpose of payment: HSK ispit
Recipient: Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu – Konfucijev institut
You can come to Chinese center office (located at Bulevar umetnosti 29) to meet Professor Chen to give your receipt.
If you cannot come at the scheduled time or you need any help with the registration, please contact Professor Chen by email: 6219194@qq.com.
You are kindly reminded that you need to finish your online registration and payment before the deadline (November 3rd).