Within the Chinese Culture Festival taking place from 18thJune to 2nd July 2016 in the Museum of King Petar I, the Chinese Center presented their work on Saturday 19th June 2016.
Organizers of this festival are: the Municipality of Savski venac, Museum “House of King Petar I”, the International association Pro Concordatia Populorum, China Serbia Cultural Exchange Association and Chinese Business Association in Serbia.
This event was also visited by vice-rector of the University “John Naisbitt”, professor Milivoje Pavlovic, PhD and professor Dragan Nikodijevic, PhD. The Director of the Chinese Center Katarina Zakic used the occasion to present the results of previous work and activities in the Chinese Center, and the students of the Chinese Center gave an artistic performance.
Vladislav Pesic, Tijana Jovic, Iva Jovanovic, Jelena Protic, Andela Jacimovic, Marija Merdzan, Aleksandra Koncar, Vera Jankovic, ZeljkoTufegdzic and Jelena Lemaic presented their proficient knowledge and skills in conversance of the Chinese language reciting poems and choral singing. The program included songs from the period of Tang and Song dynasties, as well as contemporary Chinese poetry, translated for this occasion by professor of Chinese language Natasa Kostic and students of the Chinese Center.
The repertoire included the Chinese national anthem the “March of the Volunteers” intoned at the beginning, song “Bella ciao” from “The Bridge” movie soundtrack, contemporary Chinese song “Friends”, and patriotic Chinese song “Great China”.
Moreover, the proceedings on cooperation with Confucius Institute in Novi Sad were signed by Katarina Zakic, on behalf of the Chinese Center and professor Zhao Youhua, on behalf of Confucius Institute in Novi Sad.
The proceedings indicate the new phase in the development of relations between the Chinese Center and Confucius Institute. Confucius Institute will help the work of the Chinese Center, primarily in terms of hiring a Chinese language professor from China at our university in Serbia. The Chinese Center will do all in their power to improve promotion of Chinese language and culture through mutual cooperation.